Recalling how I knew Faraaz takes me to early 2010 when my second novel ‘Mom says no girlfriend’ was about to be released. I had just joined Facebook. Those were the days when only few publishers were in the scene and so the literary acquaintances were limited. It was like almost all writers knew about each other’s work and even if they didn’t, Faraaz made sure each author’s work gets noticed. He would move around the city and take pictures of all the books, came across whether be it a big mall or a roadside stall, upload them on Facebook and would tag the respective authors. (Though sometimes it was kind of pain in neck because of those numerous notifications that followed after the tags).
Those were not the days of Flipkart, Infibeam or Homeshop 18. There
were no pre-orders either. That was actually the time when a reader
bought a book because he/she liked the book and not because the author
has begged (read tortured) him/her over thousand times to buy one. Anyway,
it’s worth thinking why Faraaz has stopped his this activity now because
these days every Tom, Dick and Harry who could think of sex is writing
a novel.
‘Truly Deeply Madly’ is one of those élite books of its time which explored the essence
of teenage love in its most innocent way. It might be celebrated as
a saga of an incomplete romance but for me, it is a story that became
a bestseller without a single kissing scene in it. (Faraaz correct me
if I had missed any page of your novel while reading.)
Presenting you the Nicholas Spark of India
who agreed
for this interview on a single call itself (you can say, I do got contacts)
and later after the interview paid for his coffee and my soft-drinks,
burger, French fries and Ice-cream.
Subho: I see you using a Blackberry, Samsung S3 and an I-phone, so much
of smart stuffs. What’s the story behind it dude?
Faraaz: No story as such. I wanted to test out all the three platforms- Blackberry,
Android and iOS. I am not much of a Symbian fan, so that escaped my
attention. I had a Blackberry always and didn’t want to leave BBM,
so I continued with it. There was a lot of debate between the S3 and
the 4S, confusing me with all the mumbo jumbo. I said to hell with it
and brought both.
(*** Subho is yawning already***)
Subho: I only hope they aren’t gifts from three different girlfriends,
don’t tell me all came from your book royalty.
Faraaz: Sadly, the royalty doesn’t have any concept of loyalty to authors.
So I have to stick to my meager earnings from my agency.
(***Faraaz tries to be funny, but I know he is angry. He saw me yawning
Subho: Well… Kaushik whom I had asked to design the cover photo is complaining
that he couldn’t find a single smiling photo of yours; he asks why
don’t you smile? Kuch problem hai bhai daantoon mein?
Faraaz: Yeah, I don’t because I refuse to take the aid of my dimples to
sell copies of my works. On a more ‘serious’ note, I smile
just as much as any average guy, my age!
(***Faraaz wants to break the chair on Subho’s head***)
Subho: Many aspiring authors even me want to know, how to get that Wikipedia
page? And those promotion you do of your book, I mean you’re book
is like on every paper? How? Are you seeing some journalist?
Faraaz: Yes, I have been lucky in that aspect as the book has connected with
the masses and seeing the hype, most newspapers across the nation have
covered it at least once. There have been so many instances when I have
not even bothered tracking the coverage but just knowing it is there,
gives me the satisfaction of seeing my work grow. With respect to the
Wikipedia page, that is like staple for me as I run a promotional agency
for authors and publishers.
(Diplomatic! He is still not going to share the
Subho: I remember when we met first on my book launch, I was wearing a normal
shirt and you were in a blazer…
Faraaz: Don’t clearly remember but I guess I was coming from meeting a
client and hence the formal look. It was a nice event to have walked
(Don’t tell me, he just
walked in…. Heartbreak!)
Subho: Quite long time your first book came to market, in mean time your
book even changed publishers with few changes but when you’re working
on something new…
Faraaz: Yes, I have been quite busy with a lot of things since then. I am
currently working on my third. My second one in the meanwhile lies with
my agent who is currently negotiating the best publishing deal possible
for the title.
Subho: Sex sells a lot these days, so when will you write about sex…
Faraaz: When it is necessary in my book, it will come naturally. Always in
the language of love.
(It will come naturally, huh!)
Subho: We see some many publishing houses coming these days; even some very
successful authors have their own publications, what’s your take on
them? (Let me share this, I and Faraaz too wanted to
start our own publication. We couldn’t make it because of financial
constraints, so any sponsors you’re welcome, I will make sure he writes
about sex)
Faraaz: Right now the market is growing and can accommodate more such entities
but when it gets saturated, it will only be the survival of the fittest.
Doubt how many of the indigenous publishers will survive the competitive
onslaught then as the publishing industry is slowly opening its doors
to the big MNC’s.
Let’s take questions from your fans…
Himani: Was it a true story? (I want weird questions, rip him off)
Faraaz: It’s a mix of fact and fiction, I was inspired from my school days.
(*** Faraaz is lost in some thoughts, ex flame sparks! ***)
Pushpendra: Ok now we surely know that Rahul is about you, so I would like to
know was your real Seema, is she that hot??
Faraaz: Not really, only part of the inspiration comes from real people and
incidents. Majority of the tale is fiction with a twist of reality.
(I hope she is not reading this)
Indranil: When did you start writing?
Faraaz: Seven
(I wonder how many of us were able to hold their pen properly)
Shalini: Who has inspired you in your life and why? Do you believe in such
undying love?
Faraaz: Any person who has battled against the turmils of true love is an
inspiration to me. Of course, I believe in true love but it is rare
but still exists in corners that the heart refuses to see.
(Whoa! Ek aur Devdas)
Naaz: When is your marriage coming up?
Faraaz: Not anytime soon
(C’mon Faraaz, life is
not just about happiness)
Priyanka V: Here’s what I’m asking on behalf of dozens of ladies out there,
how do you handle all that female attention?
Faraaz: Respect it just like all the male attention.
(That reply was actually weird)
Priyanka D: What are your views on Unrequited love? (Madam, English graduate hai)
Faraaz: Unrequited pure love is a learning experience that can’t be compared
to any teacher in life.
Priyanka D: Do you believe in Karma? How do you think it works? And does it do
Faraaz Kazi: No. I don’t. There are rarely any ‘happily ever after’ in life
unless you want to adjust to the lemons it throws at you and believe
‘all is well’. I have seen people die with the wild cards life has
thrown at them in a pathetic state without any fault of theirs and I
don’t believe in cycles of birth. So there’s all that could be pain
and suffering around us. It all depends on whether you accept it and
learnt to live with it or just ignore it.
(Priyanka Dey ab bus kar…. Prize mein book hai
burger nahi)
Kashish: I have heard you don’t read Indian writers, is it true?
Faraaz: I am voracious reader, I love reading anything that I feel may contain
a thing or two to learn from. I do read Indian writing as well. Vikas
Swarup is my favorite Indian Author.
(***This time Subho is fuming, how come it’s not me? ***)
Shikha: You seem quite serious about everything you do; it clearly indicates
that you’re single…
Faraaz: On the contrary, shouldn’t it indicate quite the opposite? I have
a lot of things to do, just hope this life suffices… best to be serious
with respect to all those objectives that will take me there!
(Faraaz baba ki jai ho!)
Debashree: Heard that you sing as well, I hope it’s not just in your bathroom
Faraaz: It is one of my passions that I did not pursue. I would leave it
for you to judge some of my ‘bathroom recordings’. My Soundcloud
stream is live at I will sing one now for my fans.
(***Subho is freaked out***)
Subho: It’s fine Faraaz. Please don’t be bothered. I know you’re one
of those Jack of all and master of none rare talents in the literary
world. So, my next question…
Faraaz: C’mon! It’s my pleasure. You see, I recently practiced the new
song from Ashiqui-2.
(***Faraaz is to start singing***)
Subho: Well I guess I need to go. Mom is calling. So we wrap the interview
here, Thanks Faraaz.
(***Subho runs for his life, leaving Faraaz with the bill. ***)
P.S. - No offence! Faraaz is actually one of
the gems of Indian Literature. With so much of testimonies and degrees earned by him at such a young age, it’s
actually a big honor for me to get chance to meet such an amazing person.
Thank you very much.
Our winner from this event- Himani Goyal
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